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Saturday 16 October 2010

Week One - Consumer's are like onions

Can you guess what this is? This is my artistic version of an onion. Week one was an introduction to Consumer Behaviour, and in fact I really enjoyed the lecture. Ruth is my lecturer for this module as well as being my personal tutor. My first instinct is that she wants to make learning an enjoyable experience, not just to stand in a class room and recite textbooks. My preferential learning style is when I am interactive, I like to get 'stuck in'. I could not help when I walked in to notice an onion on her desk. Ruth described to us how consumers are like onions, we both have layers. In the lecture we were shown two book front covers. One with being red, with a picture of a city and what appears to be a man smirking. The second being opposite with monochrome grey tones, whilst a woman opening a car door showing her foot stepping onto the pavement. Cleverly Ruth deleted both book titles from their covers, which meant we had to guess what the book was about with the only clues being what was on the cover. With book one having suggestions being about wall street, terrorist's and the city life compared to the second being about an independent business woman and romance, clearly the two books are giving two different perceptions. However it was revealed that the two books were in fact the same, one being published earlier than the other. The concept I think Ruth  was trying to make was that each individual sees the world from a different point of view. Our next task was when the onion was introduced. We had to draw an onion on the middle of a piece of paper to represent our different layers, then answering a series of questions about ourselves. The questions varied from our family life, hobbies, interests and our social life. Ruth wanted to show us how other people based on the information we give them can perceive us. We all received another persons sheet, then had to describe what we thought that individual was like. Surprisingly the classmate that received mine described me very differently to how I see myself. Here is a picture of my question sheet I done in class:

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