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Wednesday 20 October 2010

Week Two - Introduction to Perception

I have survived another week! In week two we learned about perception. Perception is a procedure by which stimuli selects, organizes and interprets. Kotler and Armstrong (2009) define perception as, “The process by which people select, organise, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world”.  Perception is based on how we each individually perceive our surroundings. Another definition of perception by Schiffman and Kanuk (2003) “Is how we see the world around us”.
This subject has made me think about how my friends, family and classmates all share similar interests with me, however they see things from a completely different perspective, even if we are looking at the same thing. Ruth showed us a clip from an advert by The Guardian. I think it shows and explains well how we can all see the same event, however we all see it differently. The link for the clip is showed below.

I wanted to find out more examples of this and to find a different clip, however still expressing the same message. I was lucky enough to find a link on you-tube, that I think shows this message perfectly. Its comical approach is designed to entice you, whilst still getting their message across. The link for the clip is showed below, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Are you still laughing from the clip's? I especially enjoyed Ameriquest's advert, with the change for the parking meter incident! Please comment on this post and let me know which advertisement was your favourite. 

Ruth explained that sensation, attention and interpretation make up the process of perception. Sensation is the immediate response of our five senses through stimuli such as light, colour and sound. Attention is where consumers focus on stimuli when they are exposed to products within their range. Finally interpretation is the process where meanings are appointed to stimuli. Consumers alter in terms of the stimuli that they perceive.

I wanted to try and find other people's view of perception and what they think it means. I went on a number of websites and a few stood out.  A website named articlearchive.com allows members of the public to post up articles they have written about numerous topics, a few being on perception. Here is the link to one that I think explains and describes perception well. 

To finish the lecture, Ruth wanted to explain how we as consumers process our buying decisions. She related to a few theory's, one being Engel Kollat-The Blackwell Model and second being The Howard- Sheth Model. I will create separate posts to explain in detail about these theory's. 

Next week we will be going into more depth about perception and I get to find out more about my first assignment. If you have any comment about my post's, please don't hesitate to comment below. Hope to hear back from you. 

1 comment:

  1. Really nice style of writing in this. Good to see all the links coming in but did you know you can embed videos?
