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Wednesday 20 October 2010

Week Two - The Howard- Sheth Model

As I explained in my previous post I have posted the theories separately. I done this so you can have a detailed explanation on the theories as they are quite informative. I have done some research and tried to explain the model myself. John Howard and Jagdish Sheth introduced their buyer model in 1969. The Howard-Sheth Model attempts to explain and simplify the complex decision making process by the consumer. The model suggests this in three stages. First stage is extensive problem solving. At this stage the consumer does not have knowledge of the brand and do not have a preferred brand. In this stage the consumer will then research information about different brands in the market for the specific product. Second is limited problem solving. This is for consumers who have little or partial knowledge about the product and the market. There must be some comparative decision making here so the consumer can find a preferential product.  Finally the third is habitual response behaviour. This is when the consumer’s knowledge on the product is high, they know of a range of brands and can determine traits in individual products. According to the module there are four major variables. This is consisting of inputs, perceptual and learning constructs, outputs and external variables.The input variables have three types of information sources in the consumer’s surroundings. They are as follows:

Significant – Brand characteristics such as price, quality and availability.

Symbolic – Verbal or visual characteristics of the product.

Consumers Social Environment - This can consist of friendship groups, family circle, and social class.

Perceptual and learning constructs of the psychological variables when the consumer is making a decision. This is when the consumer has reached their goals, found all information needed for the brand and has preferences and intentions to purchase the product.

The outputs are the conclusion of the perceptual and learning variables and how the consumer will respond to this.

Lastly are the external variables. This is the important part of the purchase where the consumer has involved her own traits into her purchase decision. 

The Howard- Sheth Model 

                                                                    (scibd.com, 2008)

I hope you have found this helpful and you now have a wider knowledge of The Howard- Sheth Model. If you have another explanation of this theory, please provide the link in the comment box below. 

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